Friday, 20 March 2015



If we must create an impact and pass for great people in this brief but mission-filled sojourn to this world, then we must be able to “Do right irrespective of the consequences” (Immanuel Kant). This was a well understood concept to the late and one of the most learned Barrister Professor Yanou Akomaye Michael. 
During his stay on the planet, he did his utmost to pursue justice, which was just the virtue of his profession. Standing by the oppressed was just his dictum. He did his best to ensure justice in all ramifications irrespective of the stakes; he disgusted injustice meted on someone especially a weaker party; reason why he was almost always involved in the defence of the weaker party.
As an epitome of a crusader of justice, the late learned barrister who was the lone professor of law in the University of Buea was always found in the defence of victimized student union leaders of the University by the Machiavellian university administration of the institution. The late barrister defended with fervour the unjustly prosecuted student union leaders of the University of Buea, saying that “he defends them for justice and not for money”.
Late Barrister Yanou A. Michael was always found at positions, where which he could repel any act of vice; no wonder, he was the president of the UB’s chapter of the National union of teachers of Higher Education (SYNES-UB), where he always led the campaign of defying every abnormal working condition by both the LRC government and the totalitarian UB administration, which is a microcosm of the former. 
The late learned practicing Barrister and professor of Law in the University of Buea, who was also recently appointed as head of the department of conflict management in University campuses in the Cameroun’s ministry of Higher Education stood for justice even if it meant against the interest his employer- The LRC government.
He was indeed an icon; he held a Ph.D in law from the Rhodes University in The Republic of South Africa, where the records say he was the only one to have done that in two years.
Barrister Yanou was a destined legal practitioner. He was specially designed and dispatched to earth by God to perpetrate justice. He was a model to all practicing and would be barristers. He was the type who pragmatically negated the stance of the Ancient Greek sophist- Thrasymachus , that “Justice is the interest of the stronger party”.
Barrister Yanou’s legacy is worth speaking about; his deeds in the practice of law are something every barrister should emulate and make the world a better and truly lawful place.
I pay ultimate homage to him with one of his brief but memorable quote: “Law should be about justice for a dismissed man and not just the money he is given on being dismissed”
Professor Barrister YANOU A. MICHAEL!!

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